
I’m a data scientist / statistician / autodidact currently living in the magical city of Gent, Belgium. I have degrees in mathematics and statistics, as well as more than six years of experience working as a data scientist across multiple industries – advertising, marketing, telecommunications, and vaccine epidemiology.

My professional interests revolve around statistics / machine learning, programming, distributed computing, writing clean code, and using models to make real-world decisions.

In my free time, I like to read, cook, cycle, play tennis, and learn languages.

The primary reason for starting this (mostly) technical blog is to work through some (technical) concepts or challenges I encounter. Additional reasons include having my R / Python code in a clean and easy-to-navigate format, and to share recipes once in a while. I’ve been talking about wanting to have a blog since 2012, so I’m glad that I finally got around to having one in 2022.

You can reach out to me via LinkedIn or via email (first name [dot] last name [at] gmail).